Year of release: 2016
Title: Enter The Gungeon Collector's Edition Genre: Action, Adventure, Indie Developer: Dodge Roll Publisher: Devolver Digital Franchise: Gungeon Languages: English. Enter the Gungeon is built on the Unity game engine, hence its synergy with the Gungine. The what engine do you use synergy is a reference to players often asking game programmers what engine they use, and associating the answer with positives or 282 People Used More Courses ››.
Genre: Roguelike
Developer: Dodge Roll
Publisher: Devolver Digital
Platform: Mac
: 2.1.8
publication Type: License (GOG)
publication Type: License (GOG)
Enter The Gungeon Collector's Edition Upgrade
: GOGinterface Language: Brazilian Portuguese, German, English, Spanish, French, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Russian
Language: missing
medicine: Not required
System requirements:
OS: OS 10.6+
memory: 2 GB RAM
disk Space: 2 GB
Enter the Gungeon is doing a lot right. This is a game about shooting. One of the weapons. In the gun dungeon. The village armed with bullets, drop shells that you can buy new weapons. Shooting cannonballs, letters, bones ('Existence' looked?), paper airplanes or there t-shirts, and maybe even bullets. And in order to find the gun, which can…
There is a pause.
to Kill the past.
now, Enter The Gungeon does not allow you to waste time on anything else. Go. Shoot. Shoot still. Until you get bored. May get bored soon enough, but first watch it does not matter.
Additional information:
Free Gun Microtransaction DLC included in this version
Enter The Gungeon Collector's Edition Xbox 360
Enter the Gungeon Collector's Edition Upgrade (Includes a bonus: the soundtrack (FLAC) + soundtrack (MP3) + comic (42 pages) (English)): 2.1.8
publication Type: License (GOG)
interface Language: Brazilian Portuguese, German, English, Spanish, French, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Russian
Language: missing
medicine: Not required
System requirements:
OS: OS 10.6+
memory: 2 GB RAM
disk Space: 2 GB
Enter the Gungeon is doing a lot right. This is a game about shooting. One of the weapons. In the gun dungeon. The village armed with bullets, drop shells that you can buy new weapons. Shooting cannonballs, letters, bones ('Existence' looked?), paper airplanes or there t-shirts, and maybe even bullets. And in order to find the gun, which can…
There is a pause.
to Kill the past.
now, Enter The Gungeon does not allow you to waste time on anything else. Go. Shoot. Shoot still. Until you get bored. May get bored soon enough, but first watch it does not matter.
Additional information:
Free Gun Microtransaction DLC included in this version
Presence/absence of advertising:
Missinginstallation ProcedureSet
(1) enter_the_gungeon_enUS_2_1_8_29516.pkg
(2) dlc_enter_the_gungeon_collector_s_edition_upgrade_enus_2_1_8_29516.pkg
and play
Magnet Link: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:1D890E3025559D56F85022C2B158216EFDCE90F2& | Size: 1.24 GB
publication Type: License (GOG)
Enter The Gungeon Collector's Edition Upgrade
: GOGinterface Language: Brazilian Portuguese, German, English, Spanish, French, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Russian
Language: missing
medicine: Not required
System requirements:
OS: OS 10.6+
memory: 2 GB RAM
disk Space: 2 GB
Enter the Gungeon is doing a lot right. This is a game about shooting. One of the weapons. In the gun dungeon. The village armed with bullets, drop shells that you can buy new weapons. Shooting cannonballs, letters, bones ('Existence' looked?), paper airplanes or there t-shirts, and maybe even bullets. And in order to find the gun, which can…
There is a pause.
to Kill the past.
now, Enter The Gungeon does not allow you to waste time on anything else. Go. Shoot. Shoot still. Until you get bored. May get bored soon enough, but first watch it does not matter.
Additional information:
Free Gun Microtransaction DLC included in this version
Enter The Gungeon Collector's Edition Xbox 360
Enter the Gungeon Collector's Edition Upgrade (Includes a bonus: the soundtrack (FLAC) + soundtrack (MP3) + comic (42 pages) (English))Presence/absence of advertising:
Missinginstallation ProcedureSet
(1) enter_the_gungeon_enUS_2_1_8_29516.pkg
(2) dlc_enter_the_gungeon_collector_s_edition_upgrade_enus_2_1_8_29516.pkg
and play
Magnet Link: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:1D890E3025559D56F85022C2B158216EFDCE90F2& | Size: 1.24 GB